Meet The Team: Rosie Mabry (she/her)

We’re ringing in the New Year, by spotlighting, Rosie Mabry. Get in the inside scoop on what it’s like to be on the Product Operations Team here at Alfred.

Life With Alfred


Tell us about what makes you…you.(hometown pride, super power, secret talent)

I’m very proud Texan who loves art, Hot Cheetos and pop punk music from the early 2000s.

Where were you before Alfred? We want to know your journey that led you here.

Before Alfred, I was working at another startup, managing their Client Experience Team. In my job search, I was looking for a company that put an emphasis on its Operations Teams. On my second day at Alfred, I attended my first All Hands meeting and was delighted to hear members of the Hospitality and Operations Teams speaking to the goals and values of the company. I experienced firsthand the dedication, humor, and understanding of the team. I knew then I had found what I was looking for.

A few months in, I transitioned to the Learning Team at Alfred. I learned how everything at our company starts with the person on the ground, building the trust for people to let us into their homes. From training to our first cross-functional sync with leadership, residents are always top of mind. This persisted as I transitioned to the Product Operations team and started working on our product. On the Product Operations team, we have 3 customers, the Resident, the Alfred Home Manager, and the Operations Team. The absolute most important part of my job is ensuring the tools we are building are impactful for all 3.

What makes you feel at home at Alfred?

The people and the ability to fail. In most companies, you spend so much time getting sign-off and permission, doing research, and coordinating, but Alfred offers a unique autonomy where at any level you have the privilege of making decisions. This would be pointless if Alfred didn’t have the incredible community of people that bolstered you up each step of the way. I’m so lucky that my team not only makes me feel supported in making the right call, but continues to support me even if it was the wrong one. When I came to Alfred I was looking for a community where I could grow, but what I found was a family where I could fail safely. Ally, Ernesto, Sara, and I may be scattered across the country but I’ve never felt closer to a team.

What are your 3 deserted island items?

A set of sparkly markers, vodka & Ibuprofen.

What does community mean to you?

I’m going to agree with Ernesto here. To me community is being able to trust your team is aligned at the most basic level, for example, agreeing on what community means to you.

Now that you’re here, what is one thing you’re excited to make happen at Alfred?

Continue to build out the internal tools. Crossing my fingers we will get an operations dashboard reboot on the roadmap soon.

3 most used apps on your phone/3 apps you can’t live without.

Well, I’m still using Snapchat, definitely Libby for audiobooks, and Resy for my weekend plans of course.

Something you learned during the pandemic/something you wished you learned.

I attempted to learn Roller Skating and by attempted I mean I ordered a pair of really expensive roller skates and took them to the streets once.

What’s your walk out song/pump up song?

I Believe In a Thing Called Love — The Darkness

Coffee order?

Espresso from Blue Bottle

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